First impressions: OtterBox Ispra case for AirPods

OtterBox AirPods  scaled
OtterBox AirPods scaled

Memorial Day Weekend is a great time to kick back, relax and overall enjoy yourself.

Obviously, we take the time to think about the men and women who have gone out of their way to protect and defend our everyday freedoms…and then we also find an excuse to do some shopping, which is exactly what I did here.

OtterBox is a brand that I have always been a big fan of because I have always had good luck with them when using its cases to protect my other Apple products like my iPhone 4S, iPhone 6, iPhone 8 Plus, iPad Mini 1 & 2, iPad fifth generation and now my AirPods.

With that said, the first aspect of this case that I do like is that it is available in blue. Granted, OtterBox has released cases in blue before, but the fact that it’s available for its AirPods case is nice.

As for the design, I didn’t like the fact that it does not include instructions. Call me stupid, but when it comes to that top part, some people may not know which way to put it on.

However, from here, the experience with the product gets better.

One thing that I don’t like about a lot of tech products, including the iPhone itself is which may sound petty, but hear me out, I can grip my AirPods better now because of this case.

I know it sounds silly, but Apple products can be tough to grip, which for a product like this that is somewhat fragile, it’s good to know that there’s a better chance it will not slip or fall out of my hand.

Speaking of which, it has the build quality that makes it look as though that if it were to fall somehow and hit the ground, pavement, etc, there would not be much damage to it. And that’s the important thing.

It’s almost like having insurance on my AirPods without the monthly bill.

Lastly, props to my local Target on having these in stock, and as always, for accepting Apple Pay because that’s how I paid for this.

In the meantime, be sure to stay tuned to Appleosophy for when I do a review of this new case.

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