iPadOS’ Scribble expands support for more languages

Screen Shot 2021 07 09 at 6
Credit: Apple

iPadOS 14 brought a handy feature called ‘Scribble’, that allows you to convert your handwriting into formatted text with three features.

First, Copy Handwriting as Text lets you copy your handwriting and paste it as formatted text. Secondly, its Data Detectors let you call a number that you wrote. Lastly, Searchable Handwriting lets you even search for words based on what you wrote.

It was initially limited to English and Chinese languages for both Copy Handwriting as Text and Data Detectors, but with iPadOS 14.5, support for both features has expanded to more languages such as Spanish, French, Italian, Cantonese, German, and Portuguese (a full list of languages/countries can be found here).

The only feature that’s still limited to English at this time is the Searchable Handwriting feature.

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