Apple Stores to begin requiring masks again in U.S.

Apple Store Iowa scaled
Apple Store Iowa scaled

Due to the rising cases of COVID-19 circulating throughout the United States, Apple has once again made the decision to enforce masks when going into its retail stores.

Apple got rid of the mask requirement in all of its stores last month, but due to rising cases and the new Omicron variant, Apple is trying to do its best to keep its workers and customers safe from the virus.

A number of stores will have certain limits on how many customers can be inside it at once. That rule will be enforced at locations where COVID-19 numbers are considered high.

This also comes after an Apple Store closed in Texas earlier this month temporarily due to that store’s increasing COVID-19 positive cases, which impacted employees, some of which have had to miss work due to testing positive for COVID-19 and having to be in quarantine until they are no longer positive.

What are your thoughts on Apple requiring masks again in its retail stores? Comment below or let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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