Opinion: My tech-related New Year’s resolution

Day One Mac scaled
Day One Mac scaled

Every year, people across the world start some form of resolution to begin the new year and has become quite the tradition over the decades.

These resolutions could be anything from going to the gym, eating out less, reading more books or getting help for medical-related items such as mental health.

While I personally have some things about myself I would like to improve about myself outside of Apple and tech, I do have one thing that I want to do this year, which is to journal more often.

Day One Journal has been my go-to journaling app since March 2015 on my at-time-time mid-2012 MacBook Pro and iPhone 4S.

Throughout the years, I have used the app to write about my life in as many details and pictures as possible because, as the 12th Doctor from “Doctor Who” says, “Stories are where memories go when they’re forgotten.”

It is with that where I will say that writing more in my Day One Journal is something I would like to do more in 2022. Previously, I have only been writing in it about once a week or every 7-10 days. Life and time are sacred, and one day it might be important to be able to look back on some of my old memories throughout my life.

There is also the therapeutic part of journaling. This can mean that if you are going through a stressful or rough patch in life, it can be good to write it out. It’s like you’re getting it off of your chest and out into the world but in a private way.

What makes this better for me is that I can do it from my current 2017 MacBook Pro, iPhone 12 Mini or iPad fifth generation. Part of me has always thought it would be cool to do Day One Journal entries with a device like the iPad Pro and its Magic Keyboard, but at the same time, both of those products cost a lot of money that I don’t want to spend at this time. So, for now, I have my MacBook Pro doing most of my entries.

I do not have a certain number of entries I want to hit by the end of the year. I just know that I want to write more in my Day One Journal, and if possible, make it part of my daily routine.

I also like that all of my entries in Day One Journal are secure either with a letter-based password on my Mac, but unlocked with either Face ID, Touch ID or a numerical passcode on my iPhone and iPad.

What are your thoughts on my New Year’s resolution this year? Do you think I made a good choice? Comment below or let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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