Apple Exploring Foldable Displays Beyond the iPhone

Apple Exploring Foldable Displays Beyond the iPhone
Concept: Ran Avni

As competitors launch their foldable smartphones, and rumors point to Apple’s own foldable iPhone, it seems that Apple is exploring foldable display technology beyond the iPhone. In spite of this, DSCC analyst Ross Young’s reported that the foldable iPhone concept has been pushed until 2025. Rumors originally pointed to a 2023/2024 release.

Good news is that Apple has something up its sleeves when it comes to pioneering such advanced technology as Apple is exploring all-screen foldable notebooks. This device could introduce a new product category for the company. With a screen that would be around 20-inches diagonally, this will serve as a 2-in-1 product – a notebook with a full-size on-screen keyboard when folded and a monitor when unfolded and used with an external keyboard.

My take: Microsoft has had 2-in-1 devices for its Surface lineup for years. If you look at its Surface Pro, it serves as both a tablet and a laptop. On the contrary, Apple always thinks critically when introducing new product categories. For example, Apple positions the iPad between the iPhone and the Mac, yet the iPad excels at some things that a Mac simply cannot do, and vice-versa.

As Steve Jobs said, if Apple were to introduce this product soon, it really needs to be far better at doing some key tasks. While this may seem something that Apple would not do, it definitely would be the future of Apple devices. What do you think about this interesting concept? Let us know in the comments below?

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