Opinion: Three months into my Day One Journal New Year’s Resolution

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During the early parts of this year, I have been taking the time to use Day One Journal (or try to) more often, as using it more has become a New Year’s Resolution of mine for 2022.

Day One is currently one of the top journaling apps in the App Store and is an app that I have had since my community college days.

For the month of March this year, I was able to write in my personal journal for Day One nine times, which is three entries more than February 2022, and one more than March 2021.

Granted, there are 31 days in the month of March, so even though I had nine entries last month, it’s still not quite 30 percent of the entire month. But that is one of the good aspects of this resolution that I like, which is that there is always room for improvement, or at least until the day where I get an entry for every single day in a month, which has yet to happen in all of the years I have been using Day One.

Journaling is a great way to put everything out there in the real world and all of the items swirling around your brain. Day One makes it even better because you can add photos and videos to entries to make them come to life even more.

With everything said here, I will continue to update my progress on this at the halfway point of the year and then one more time near the end of December 2022 to see how much progress I made over the year.

I’m looking forward to seeing the results (and planning my New Year’s Resolution for 2023).

Day One Journal is a free app in the App Store and is available on the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Apple Watch and Mac. It costs either $3.99 a month or $34.99 a year. You can read my review of the app this year as well.

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