15 Years of iPhone

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iPhone 15 years 001

On this day, 15 years ago, the original iPhone was officially released to the public. Since then, it has become Apple’s most popular product that made it one of the largest mobile device companies in the world. Let’s look back and see how the iPhone not only changed the world, but also Apple itself.

The iPod

All of the iPhone’s success cannot take all of the credit without mentioning the iPod. Before 2001, tech companies were already entering into the digital music market. Their portable MP3 players were very hard to use, yet they carry a small amount of songs. That’s when Apple introduced the iPod – a revolutionary device that fits in your pocket, yet it holds a 1,000 songs in your pocket. What’s most important for the user is that the iPod featured the award-winning interface that’s easy to use. Sales skyrocketed, and the iPod helped Apple to be back on track.

The Next Big Thing

With all of the success the iPod brought, competitors would try to catch up to it. Steve Jobs once quoted, “if you don’t cannibalize yourself, then someone else will.” That’s why Apple had already planned to introduce the next big thing to replace the iPod. Why replace the iPod? Because it would bring even more users to the Apple ecosystem. More importantly, that next big thing would bring even more profit to the company. In other words, it would have more profit-potential than that of the dedicated music player.

January 2007 was when Apple introduced the revolutionary product – a wide-screen iPod, a phone, and an internet communicator. Jobs mentioned that these were not separate devices, but one device. With its innovative multi-touch screen & simple-to-use interface, the iPhone, which was even dubbed as “the best iPod Apple has ever made”, effectively not only made the iPod obsolete, but it also changed smartphones forever. The iPhone has become the most versatile device for everyone with its advanced cameras, mobile Internet browser, and communication features.

On the Road to Higher Profits

All of these core features are what every user is willing to pay more for over a dedicated music player. Beginning in 2010, iPhone sales even outpaced those of iPods. Eventually, the entire iPod lineup was eventually cannibalized by iPhone with the demise of the iPod touch in 2022. By introducing the iPod to attract customers, and then replacing the iPod with the iPhone, this has been Apple’s ultimate strategy to boost profits to become one of the most profitable companies in the world. The iPhone would never be the same if the iPod wasn’t introduced.

The Ultimate Ecosystem

The iPhone is clearly the gateway to Apple’s ecosystem with its wide range of products. It changed the way we use technology to create digital media and to communicate with friends. From the most affordable iPhone SE at $429 to the most advanced iPhone 13 Pro Max at $1,099, there’s always an iPhone for the rest of us to access over a million apps on the App Store. When paired with the Apple Watch and AirPods, the iPhone becomes the ultimate on-the-go experience. It works well with iPad and Mac with the best integration that Apple has to offer through its services. In the upcoming release of macOS Ventura, your iPhone can be your on-the-go webcam for your Mac.

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