“Up Next” row on Apple TV app gets modified

Apple TV app
Apple TV app

The interface of the Apple TV app has recently been changed to the point where the app is making it a little harder to get back to what the user was watching.

With the new update to the Apple TV app, it makes it so “Featured” shows up first and then below that it shows “Up Next” and the users most-recently watched programs. It used to be the complete opposite for an easier experience and convenience to simply and quickly get back to what the user was streaming.

This was discovered by @GoMadMX on Twitter who highlighted the changes in a tweet that provides a photo with visuals of the updates to the app.

Additionally, the programs that are in the “Featured” section all just happen to be Apple TV+ content or content that Apple encourages you to purchase or rent from the Apple TV app.

Streaming services like Netflix, Disney+, and Hulu have made similar moves over the years to highlight content they want you to be watching, as opposed to a quick gateway to the content you have already previously been watching and want to continue to stream.

What are your thoughts on these changes to the Apple TV app? Comment below or let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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