Opinion: The one app that needs to come to the iPad

The new iPad Pro with M2 Silicon is the first iPad Pro to support WiFi-6E.
Image: Apple

If you are anything like me, writing and blogging consume a lot of your time. If you’re like me, you have also transitioned from using a MacBook as your daily writing device and instead use an iPad Air or iPad Pro with the Magic Keyboard.

Needless to say, writing on the iPad is becoming a more prominent thing, whether you are doing it for business, school, or recreational purposes.

With that said, there is one app in particular that is on the Mac right now but would love to see it available on the iPad, which is MarsEdit.

MarsEdit is an app that enables its users to publish to their WordPress or other websites without having to do so through a browser like Safari or Google Chrome. It also has features for its users where on top of adding your usual text to a website article or blog post, you can add photos, select the Feature Image, and so much more.

You could say that apps like WordPress and its newer Jetpack app allow you to do all of that. The only issue I have with them is not only are you not able to use either of the apps while you are offline, MarsEdit, at least on the Mac, has a way better design that I believe makes more sense and is more beneficial to users, especially writers and bloggers.

Sure, there are other similar apps like Ulysses, but it’s still not the same as MarsEdit.

Even though I have not used MarsEdit on my MacBook Pro in a little while, I do remember using it during my college years and some of it afterward, and I remember it being an enjoyable and useful experience. Once it is set up, it works pretty well.

The way I see it is if we are going to enable the iPad, iPad Air, and iPad Pro to have some form of external attached/connected keyboard to it, then we should probably also make sure it has an app like MarsEdit so writers and bloggers can write to the best of their abilities online of off it.


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1 year ago

The one app that needs to come to the iPad is a default calculator app.

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