ADAM: An app for when you die

The ADAM App (standing for “All-Life Digital Asset Manager”) by Revenant Systems Inc., has been developed as a solution to store the most important photos, videos, notes and files securely so that they can be accessed by someone trusted once the owner of the said information passes away. It’s the first app of it’s kind, offering a way to vault the most sensitive and important documents in a convenient way for next-of-kin to avoid scouring through personal files with unwarranted access.

The interesting service was exhibited at CES 2024, in Las Vegas with a special booth at CES Unveiled – an exclusive event for new product & service launches, with the latest consumer tech being brought to light! ADAM also had a booth within the main CES convention, proving popular with passersby and the press.

How ADAM works

When you download & sign up for ADAM, the owner will be provided with an “Executor KeyTM” which can be provided to a trusted individual or a beneficiary, who can access the data only after the owner passes away. This is to be kept safe and secure, away from any outsiders accessing personal information.
ADAM also features a “Release TimerTM“, which allows the owner to reset the Executor Key if they are still alive in the event of the executor trying to access the data stored in ADAM before the owner passes away.

According to ADAM, “Accounts are secured with a 32 character alphanumeric UUID that users provide to their account’s executor, name + number confirmation and a release timer that notifies the user when someone tries accessing their account, allowing them to deny access in the event that they’re still alive.”

Is it Free?

Yes, there is a free version of ADAM which can store up to 50 images, 1 video for 5 minutes or less, 20 files and notes (max size 10MB) and contains ads. The free tier is intended for those looking to have only the most curated photos and videos as well as the most important documents in the event of end of life for the owner. Wills, life insurance policies, and deed doucments are expected to be stored here.

ADAM also offers a Premium Paid Subscription with no ads and support for up to 500 images, 5 GB of videos, 100 files and notes (max size 1 GB). This subscription continues until 3 months after passing, to allow the Executor to access the files left to them from within ADAM.

The longterm plan for ADAM is to have a Lifetime one-time purchase plan too, which would last for the lifetime of the user, providing a cheaper long-term solution, but a higher upfront cost for those looking to compile everything into one place.

What’s the reason behind its creation?

Michael Okoye, Co-Founder and CEO of ADAM said, “As someone who experienced a near-death incident at a young age, I understand the significance of having a plan in place for when your time comes and sought to create a universal solution for managing legacies in the digital age,” stated  “Our team is excited to introduce the Executor Key and Release Timer method, which will secure digital assets and preserve them for posterity. We believe this technology will eventually become as commonplace as two-factor authentication.”

In a digital age, it makes sense to keep files, photos and videos all in one place to avoid having missing information in a stressful time. ADAM is looking to ease this process and provide a safe and trusted place for data to remain until it’s vital.

What makes ADAM so unique?

Features like an “Executor KeyTM” and a “Release TimerTM” allow the owner of the information to have more control over the access with them being able to choose the executor who shall unlock this data as authorized. Using other cloud-based storage solutions may work for users who have masses of data, but ADAM is intended for the everyday individual, who may not have the most technical setup or wallet for ongoing cloud storage.

Closing Comments

Michael Okoye & his team have been able to highlight a conversation topic which needs to be had at a point in everyone’s life: “What happens to my digital assets when I die?” and “How can I make it as easy as possible to keep important files, photos, videos and notes in one place for when I pass away?” ”” it is inevitable! Remember, ADAM isn’t designed to be a storage solution for your entire photo album or document library – it’s for the most important files that shouldn’t be accessed whilst still alive. That’s what sets this app apart from anything else available currently.

ADAM is available on both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store with a desktop version coming soon. Will you be using Adam? Let us know down in the comments or tweet to us on @appleosophy! Be sure to download the Appleosophy App from the App Store or visit our website to stay updated with the latest Apple news!

This article features contributions from multiple team members: Pururaj Dutta & Chris Grainger

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