Ulysses app implements new widgets on Lock and Home Screen

If you’re a writer, there’s an app in the App Store that just made life a little easier.

The popular writing app Ulysses has officially added support for Lock and Home Screen widgets in Version 34 of the app. By adding support for widgets, it can make it easier for writers of all types (see what I did there?) to jot down important notes or ideas in the app.

A feature like this is excellent and can be absolutely crucial for writers, especially if they have a moment where they not only need to write the idea down quickly, but also get access to Ulysses as soon as possible.

Here are the full notes on the update:


⁃ Better late then never…

⁃ Open projects right from your home screen.

⁃ Create new sheets right from your home screen.

⁃ Both actions are also available for your lock screen.

⁃ There’s even a dedicated Inbox widget, which works similar.

Templates Group

⁃ Projects now have a Templates group in Extras.

⁃ If you drag a sheet to or from this group, it will always be copied.

⁃ It’s a start.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

⁃ Updated WordPress preview theme to WordPress Twenty Twenty-Four (no more green, yay).

⁃ Student offer should be available again (was on semester leave or so).

⁃ Fixed cut-off “Help and Support” footer (details).

⁃ Improved performance when loading many projects.

⁃ Got rid of a couple of irrelevant error messages.

⁃ Fixed a crash when launching Ulysses.

⁃ Fixed a crash when switching between apps.

Ulysses is currently starts at $5.99 a month or $39.99 a year. The app is available on the iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

What are your thoughts on the Ulysses app getting support for Lock and Home Screen widgets? Comment below or let us know on X at @appleosophy.

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