Apple Music Classical updated with CarPlay support

Earlier this week, the Apple Music Classical app was updated to bring CarPlay support to it, as well as support for Siri.

Apple Music Classical originally launched in March 2023 on the iPhone and was later added to the iPad that same year too.

Now it is available on CarPlay as of this week.

Apple Music Classical on CarPlay was available very briefly in the early part of 2024, but was quickly removed. However, it is back now.

What Apple Music Classical allows and enables users to do is have an app that is entirely focused on classical music, which will have a large catalog of classical artists, songs, albums, and playlists. These traditional classical composers and artists include Frederic Chopin, Claude Debussy, Johannes Brahms, Mozart, and Ludwig van Beethoven.

This can also include composers for what I would call modern day classical music which would be movie and TV scores by composers such as Murray Gold, James Newton Howard, Hans Zimmer, John Williams, and others.

Those that are fans of “dark academia” music might also be in luck as Apple Music Classical does have a good amount of that type of music there, along with playlists for it too.

Of course, all of this music is available through the regular Apple Music app and service, but the Apple Music Classical app is an app simply dedicated and focused on classical music.

Apple Music Classical is a free app and can be used at no additional charge to Apple Music subscribers, which currently costs $10.99 a month.

Apple Music Classical is available on the iPhone and iPad, and on Android.

What are your thoughts on Apple Music Classical being available on CarPlay now? Comment below or let us know on X at @appleosophy.

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