Apple’s Siri Job Listings At All-Time High, Suggesting A Focus To Siri Products

screen shot 2018 03 31 at 9 35 40 am
screen shot 2018 03 31 at 9 35 40 am

According to hiring data tracked by Thinknum, Apple to take its Siri intelligent assistant seriously, as the company posted 161 job listings, which sets an all-time high record, and the number is up 24 percent over last month.



As the chart in the above shows that Siri-focused positions have increased since summer of 2016, even though it really spiked last month, 125 of the 161 Siri job openings are in Santa Clara Valley at Apple’s new headquarters, nearly 78% of the openings being for that area.


When broken down into departments, 154 of the listings are for software engineering job. Meanwhile, there are 3 spots open for product management, 3 for Information Systems and Technology, and only 1 for design.


It’s well-known that Apple has come under fire for lagging behind other smart assistants on the market like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. Hopefully, these job listings indicating that Apple is trying to ramp up efforts to know that where it needs to improve.

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