6.1 ”“ inch LCD iPhone to be Priced as Low as $550!

iphone x 1
iphone x 1

Ming-Chi Kuo which is an Apple analyst from KGI securities has reported that the new iPhone X budget model that will feature an LCD panel will be as low as $550! This is great news as this will be a perfect definition of a budget iPhone that has flagship specifications.

Dual Sims?

The report by the Apple analyst also says this budget iPhone model could also feature dual-sim capabilities. To elaborate, this budget iPhone could be available in 2 different models. One model which sports only one sim. And the second one featuring dual sims which could mean two useable slim slots. A bit of sad news, it has also been reported that the flagship 5.8 inch OLED iPhone model will not feature dual sims.

The new dual SIM iPhone could create another price segment/category for the iPhone as it would then be considered the flagship budget iPhone. If the price is rumoured to be true, then the 6S would probably be reduced in terms of price. This would also lead to the iPhone 6 probably being discontinued. The iPhone SE would likely be discontinued too. This is because there have been many rumours that within 1-2 months, an iPhone SE 2 could be released.


To elaborate on price, the analyst says that the single SIM iPhone could sell between $550 and $650. The dual SIM iPhone would then be around $650 to $750. Kuo also mentioned that this relatively low price could ‘help increase market share and commercial markets’. Sales wise, it is predicted that this budget iPhone would reach approximately 100 ”“ 120 million units sold. This would be between the third quarter of 2018 and third quarter of 2019.

This new budget iPhone is exactly what Apple need to draw new customers in as well as draw old customers back. 3 new iPhone models are reportedly to be announced at WWDC 2018 and released in September. And this LCD budget iPhone for a reported $550 is one of them!

What are your thoughts about this? Would you purchase the budget model if it were for $550?


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