How to Get a Free Trial of Pixelmator and Pixelmator Pro for Mac


Pixelmator has been known as a great and cheaper version of Adobe Photoshop for the Mac. Adobe Photoshop costs $20.99 per month for that app alone, whereas Pixelmator for Mac is only $29.99 and Pixelmator Pro for Mac is $39.99 and are both one-time purchases.

It is a great app for students and young people in general to learn about the world of professional photo editing. On top of that, it could be a great way for them to learn about Photoshop since the basic concepts of Photoshop can be found in Pixelmator. 

To get a free trial of Pixelmator, all you have to do is go to Pixelmator’s website, go to the Pixelmator app page and once you have scrolled to the bottom, you should see a link that should allow you to download a free trial of Pixelmator. The free trial itself lasts 30 days. 

To get a free trial to Pixelmator Pro, we’ll keep it simple this time. Simply click here. That link will take you to the page on Pixelmator’s website that will allow you to download the app for free, which will include the same 30-day free trial we also mentioned with regular Pixelmator. 

Pixelmator is available on the iPhone and iPad for $4.99 in the App Store, but Pixelmator does not allow consumers to download a free version of the app for a free trial.

Let us know in the comments if this helped you at all and/or if you plan on purchasing either one of the apps after your free trial has expired.

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