Mac App Review: Pixelmator Pro for Mac

Pixelmator Pro
Pixelmator Pro

A lot of people in our society believe that all photos are edited in Adobe Photoshop and think that it is the only way to properly and professionally edit photos. This may have been true 10-20 years, but we have progressed when it comes to this.

Pixelmator Pro is a Mac in the Mac App Store that is designed to be everything like its predecessor, Pixelmator, and even more to make it a great alternative to Photoshop.

The first thing that I love about this app is the simple-to-use interface. Photoshop to me has always had a daunting look and feel to it. When using Photoshop, it always looked like the icons on the side meant something but that they also had a mind of their own if put into the wrong hands.


This where Pixelmator shines with its easy to use and understand icons that are not too intimidating for people like me who do not have the best Photoshop experience.

Next up is the fact that when I am creating a new image or wanting to edit one that I already have, the templates to do these on are really good. The fact that the app has templates for creating that banner or profile photo for your social media page, all the way to a template for your Mac icon is truly stellar.

If you don’t want to use a specific template from the app, you can precisely type in the exact sizes you want for your height and width, which allows you to be in control of what you are making.


When saving an image, iCloud Drive is already set up to create a folder of images that you have made so that when you create them, they can automatically go there. This can obviously be edited to be saved to your desktop or any other place you want it.

Overall, coming from someone who does not know hardly anything about Photoshop, but is eagerly willing to learn a product just like it, Pixelmator Pro is an excellent app that will allow you to edit your photos for both casual and professional use. The app gets 4/4 stars from me.

It is an app I think most photographers, writers, bloggers and content creators should have if they are either looking for a cheaper version of Photoshop and also looking for that “cheaper version” to be a cheap one-time purchase that is always being updated.

Pixelmator Pro could additionally be a good way for students of all ages and grades to learn how to edit photos professionally without buying full-blown Photoshop too.

Pixelmator Pro can be found in the Mac App Store for $39.99. The regular Pixelmator app can be found for $29.99 in the Mac App Store. The iPhone version of Pixelmator can be found for $4.99 and the iPad version called Pixelmator Photo can be found for the same $4.99 price tag.

Rating: 4/4 stars

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