How to Get the New Apollo for Reddit America App Icon

apollo app
apollo app

The developer of the third-party Apollo for Reddit app announced on Twitter this morning that there is a “secret” way to get an America/American-themed app icon.

To do this, go into the settings of the Apollo in the app and go to the “About” tab. After that, shake your iPhone and you will be asked to put in a code. The code is “America” and once you type that in, you will be able to unlock the American-themed app icon.

Once you have unlocked it, you will be able to immediately leave the app and the changes to the app icon should be applied.


It’s a great way on a day like today to be able to celebrate the 4th of July and Independence Day, and show off your true American colors.

Apollo is available as a free app in the App Store and is available on the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Apollo does have in-app purchases for the Apollo Pro and Apollo Ultra (subscription), as well as being able to leave monetary tips to the developer.

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