How to get a one-month free trial of CBS All Access

CBS All Access
CBS All Access

CBS All Access is a streaming service that is the home streaming provider of shows like Young Sheldon, Evil and a plethora of other content too. It has original content such as Star Trek: Discovery and The Good Fight.

On CBS All Access, users do additionally have access to streaming their local CBS station right from the app too, as well as CBS Sports HQ and CBSN, which are essentially a live 24/7 feed of CBS Sports and CBS News.

Retail Me Not currently has a coupon going on right now where those who are interested in CBS All Access, are able to get a free month of the service.

Another nice thing about this free trial is that users can get the ad-free version of the service too.

The promo code to get this free month-long trial of CBS All Access is “FREESTREAM.” When in the checkout, you must type in that code in the promo code spot. Once you have done, that the price of the service should be adjusted to $0.00.

This is a great way to get some free use of CBS All Access and it comes at a time when the network is set to be airing the NFL AFC Championship this upcoming Sunday, so by using this promo code and getting CBS All Access, you will be able to stream that game, and the rest of CBS’s live and on-demand programming.

CBS All Access is available to stream on the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Apple TV and Mac.

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