“No Longer Shared” App Bug is No More

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“This app is no longer shared with you.” Was a nightmare for many iOS users. Luckily, Apple confirms that the bug has been fixed and the problem can be resolved by updating the app.

Source : osxdaily

When tried to open an app, this new bug caused a message stating “This app is no longer shared with you.”. The bug has affected so many apps like Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp etc. There were no effective solutions for this problem. The only way to stop this was to uninstall the app and reinstall it, which was a tedious job.

On Sunday users noticed an unusual list of pending app updates. Users were worried without the clarification whether it was an issue with the developer or the App Store. There were over 50-100 pending update requests. 

As a solution, Apple informed TechCrunch that the issue had been resolved. Customers can use the affected applications again by downloading their new updates. There is no confirmed information regarding the reason of this bug at the moment as Apple has not shared a particular reason for this. 

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