Apple Launches Vaccination Program for Employees

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apple park

According to a source from Bloomberg, Apple has launched a vaccination program for its employees in collaboration with Walgreens. Once Apple rolls out the website for its program, employees can sign up for an appointment. Then, they will report to Apple’s offices for the vaccination shots.

Because this program is non-mandatory, employees who sign up don’t need to return to in-person work immediately. Plus, vaccinated employees will even get paid for time off to accommodate the possible side effects. While an official date has not been set, Tim Cook is aiming for employees to return to their campus offices in June.

Apple stated last month that it did not have access to those vaccination shots as a private company. Because of the expanding supply in California, Apple can go forward with the vaccination program.

Do you like Apple’s plan towards COVID-19 vaccination? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us at @Appleosophy.

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