Hidden Features on macOS Monterey (beta 1)

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macOS Monterey was announced this week with a plethora of nice improvements and features. As developers got their first hands-on experiences with the first betas of MacOS Monterey, they’ve discovered even more improvements that Apple didn’t announce at the keynote.

Interactive Memoji on Login Screen

Inspired by the Memoji watch face on Apple Watch, the login screen has been more interactive than ever before with customizable Memoji profiles. Based on the video shared below, it seems to me that the profile animates as you move the mouse similar to touching the aforementioned watch face to interact with the Memoji.

Customize the Color of the Mouse Pointer

Similar to what you can do with the circular cursor found on iPadOS, you can actually change the outline/fill color of the mouse pointer as an Accessibility feature.

Finder refinements

Based on the versatility of the Spotlight interface, the ‘Go to Folder’ interface has been redesigned for a much improved user experience. The refined autocompletion engine helps you get into files and folders much more efficiently.

Last, but not least, in addition to the progress bar, Finder now features a new circle chart progress indicator. Before, stopping a copy session resets the process. Now, you can pause a session and resume it later.

What do you think of all the refinements in macOS Monterey? Let us know in the comments below, or tweet us at @Appleosophy.


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