Google Maps Dark Mode Coming to iOS

Google Maps
Google Maps

Google Maps has made dark mode available to its Android since it first rolled out in March. With many iOS apps adapting the dark mode interface, Google has announced that it’s planning to roll out the dark mode for the iOS and iPadOS by the end of August.

Besides making all of the UI elements to appear in a darker shade, Google has taken extra design cues for a much optimized user experience. This includes the light gray UI elements such as the search field/bottom bar, the baby blue hue for other elements such as the selected tab, and the darkest shade for the map background.

In addition to dark mode, Google has announced an update for its iMessage app that will allow you to share your location in real-time for up to 3 days. Lastly, Google Maps has made its home screen widget available with traffic conditions and shortcuts rolling out this month.

What do you think of all of these updates for Google Maps on iOS?

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