Pixelmator Photo comes to the iPhone

Screen Shot 2021 12 16 at 11
Screen Shot 2021 12 16 at 11

Pixelmator is arguably one of the best third-party Photoshop apps in the App Store, with apps such as regular Pixelmator on the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Mac, and Pixelmator Pro exclusively on the Mac.

However, now another one of its apps can be put on your iPhone.

The app Pixelmator Photo is now available on the iPhone. It was previously just on the iPad, but with all of the upgrades the iPhone has received over the past couple of years (with Pixelmator Photo originally being released in 2019), it was time for the iPhone to get it.

What the app is supposed to do is enable users to make simple modifications and edits right from their iPhone, instead of having to be more reliant on a bigger-screened device like an iPad or Mac.

It does work and sync with iCloud Photos and uses that for its library.

Features in the app include ML Super Resolution, ML Denoise, Intelligent ML Crop and the Repair tool.

Pixelmator Photo is currently on sale in the App Store for $3.99 but will eventually go back to its new regular price of $7.99 price once the sale ends. Those who had the iPad version of the app will be able to download it as a free update.

What are your thoughts on this release of Pixelmator Photo on the iPhone? Comment below or let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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