Apple Delays Universal Control Feature To Spring 2022

Apple Delays Universal Control Feature To Spring 2022
Courtesy: Apple

Last June at WWDC 2021, Apple announced the next and now current macOS update: macOS Monterey, with new features for FaceTime, Messages, Safari, and more.

But one big feature that was a surprise to everyone was Universal Control, which gives users the ability to move a mouse cursor between iPads and Macs, doing typing on one device and seeing text on the other, an addition to drag and drop functionality between the devices as well.

The feature has been in the works for a while now, with some difficulty at Apple’s development made Universal Control not available at the launch of Monterey.

Now, Apple has officially delayed Universal Control to “Spring 2022”. Apple’s official website now shows a badge saying “Available this spring”, marking a delay to the very technologically advanced feature.

Universal Control cannot be used in Monterey’s developer and/or public betas, but you can technically turn it on by digging deep into the system codes. However, as a standalone user-friendly feature, Apple will need to improve it more until it is released next spring”.

This is Apple’s description explaining what Universal Control is:

“A single keyboard and mouse or trackpad now work seamlessly between your Mac and iPad ”” they’ll even connect to more than one Mac or iPad. Move your cursor from your Mac to your iPad, type on your Mac and watch the words show up on your iPad, or even drag and drop content from one Mac to another.”

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