The #WWDC23 hashflair has officially begun on Twitter

We are now less than a week until the 2023 World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) keynote. That keynote is expected to take place on Monday, June 5.

The event itself is where Apple is expected to unveil its latest versions of iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS, and macOS, and potentially new products too.

Now that the event is less than a week away, each time you tweet and use the hashtag “WWDC23” on Twitter, an Apple logo with shades of blue, red, pink, and purple will show up in your tweet. It has become a tradition for Apple to do this on Twitter for WWDC and other previous Apple Events.


It’s also worth noting that Apple has another hashflair live right now which is its hashflair for Apple Music Classical. Each time someone tweets “#AppleMusicClassical,” the app icon of the app will appear at the end of it.

What are your thoughts on the #WWDC23 hashflair going live now? Comment below or let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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