Apple’s Latest iPhone Ad Highlights Check-In

Apple has released another ad for its iPhone 15 series that focuses on one of the latest features found in iOS 17 – Check-In. This feature, found in Messages, lets you notify your friends, colleagues, and family members of the ETA’s to your destination and whether you arrive there. You send a Check-In message, and it will provide updates to the recipients automatically.

In this ad, a father watches her daughter as she backs out of her car on the driveway to go to school. It shows he’s been anxious as the daughter drives over the skateboard and hits the garbage cart. We later see him still anxious at the dining area until he receives a Check-In message confirming that she arrived at school, giving him a sigh of relief.

Check-In has been one of my features in iOS 17 as I’ve been using it to notify my family members of where I’m heading to such as my friend’s house, especially when I use different forms of transportation to commute such as Uber or the subway. It’s a great way to give them a peace of mind. As noted before, you and the recipient will need to have iOS 17 installed on both iPhones to use this feature.

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