Apple Stores outside of China will be closed for two weeks

apple store queens center mall
apple store queens center mall

Apple has announced earlier today that it will be temporarily closing all its Apple Stores outside of Greater China for two weeks to help prevent the rapid spread of Coronavirus. Apple Stores will be closed for regions outside of Greater China until March 27. Apple has also reopened all its stores in Greater China because of the rapid recovery of Coronavirus infected people in China. There are currently more recovered people than infected people in China due to fast recovery of people from Coronavirus.

Apple had earlier restricted it’s employees from visiting Italy or Korea unless it had been permitted by Apple’s Vice President for Business Critical Reasons. Apple is taking important measures in order to prevent the spread of this virus.

In a letter released by Apple, CEO Tim Cook says,

“As of today, all of our stores in Greater China have reopened. I also want to thank our operations team and partners for their remarkable efforts to restore our supply chain. What we’ve learned together has helped us all develop the best practices that are assisting enormously in our global response.

One of those lessons is that the most effective way to minimize risk of the virus’s transmission is to reduce density and maximize social distance. As rates of new infections continue to grow in other places, we’re taking additional steps to protect our team members and customers.

We will be closing all of our retail stores outside of Greater China until March 27. “

Apple CEO Tim Cook mentions that they have learned many practices which will prevent more spread of Coronavirus in which one is to maintain social distance.

Apple will continue to pay salaries to its Apple Store Hourly employees even when the stores are closed. Apple has also granted unlimited leave without any requirement for any doctor’s note or any other note for its Hourly employees who have Coronavirus or Coronavirus symptoms.

Apple Customers can continue to purchase Apple products from Apple’s Website or from the Apple Store App. Customers can also continue to receive support from Apple regarding any issues which they are facing on their devices from Apple’s Website or from the Apple Support App.

We all hope that you remain safe & sound from this global pandemic and take safety measures to prevent this virus from spreading.

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