Apple shares instructions on assembling and adjusting a Face Shield

face shield align for fit animations
face shield align for fit animations

Apple has released an instruction and support document on how to Assemble and Adjust Face Shields. The article on Apple’s support website includes instructions along with animations for easy understanding.

It has instructions for a regular fit of the Face Shield as well as for a fit with extra space between the Face Shield and the person’s face.

Apple has mentioned that the Face Shield should be kept away from the exposure of high heat and is to be used gently while in use.

The Face Shield can be cleaned and reused. Apple says in their article,

“You can sterilize and reuse your face shield. It has been evaluated to be compatible with the following chemicals:

  • 70% Ethanol
  • 70% Isopropyl Alcohol
  • 6% Bleach*
  • 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

*May leave a residue on the face shield.”

While Apple has given readable instructions with images & animations, they have also attached a video to their article giving step-by-step instructions to the viewers on How to assemble and adjust the Face Shield. They have also included a printable pdf document in their article. Along with these, Apple has provided an Email ID i.e., [email protected] if someone requires further assistance regarding this.

Apple has distributed over 20 Million masks to Healthcare Professionals and Medical workers according to Tim Cook. Apple is trying to work out with their Supply-Chains to manufacture One Million Masks per week for Healthcare Professionals and Medical workers.

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