Ming Chi Kuo: iPhone SE 2020 might stop shipping with Charger and Earphones in the box

Apples latest iPhone SE 2020 with old appearance Price Features
Apples latest iPhone SE 2020 with old appearance Price Features

We had recently reported that the Charger and Earphones will not be included with iPhone 12. While this news was already harsh for the customers, Apple’s analyst Kuo has tweeted that even the iPhone SE will follow the same rule of not including the Charger and Earphones in the box.


But it is to be noticed that he has mentioned the model to be “SE2”, which raises the doubt if he is talking about the 2020 iPhone SE or a newer model of it. He might be talking about the rumored iPhone SE Plus with a full-screen design, we don’t know yet.

He also claims that the Packaging of the device will become slimmer and “exquisite”, but still, then it would still bug the customers when they finally open the box and find out that they have to pay extra for the basic accessories. This would also help Apple to increase its AirPods sale.

We cannot confirm this news yet, and as always you should take it as a grain of salt. But Ming-Chi Kuo being one of the trusted members of the Apple Community, it increases the chance of this report to be true.

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