These iPhone Security Features Make Online Gambling Safe

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If you’re one of the millions of people who play online slots, poker, or bingo, you probably play on your smartphone from time to time. Given that online casinos require you to provide sensitive financial information so that you can make deposits and withdraw winnings, it’s important to be 100% confident that your mobile device offers airtight security.

In particular, if you have a recently released iPhone device, you can rest assured that you can gamble safely. Here are the essential security features on your iPhone that make online gambling safe and secure. 

Image of iPhone with lock symbol

Secure Browser Play

A majority of online casino games are played via browsers rather than on an app. That’s why smartphone browser security matters. If you use Apple’s dedicated Safari browser, you can enjoy security features when playing online casino games, the likes of which you won’t find on Chrome or Opera.

Safari automatically prevents others from tracking you via cookies and uses a range of firewalls to keep nosey people from viewing your details. This means that, if you are playing for online bingo jackpots, for example, and want to securely add your bank details to withdraw your winnings, you can do so on Safari without interference from any third parties.

Auto-secure Password generator

It’s no secret that most of us don’t use secure passwords when given the choice. This can be especially perilous when using online casinos as an opportunistic hacker is only one correctly-guessed password away from your winnings. Fortunately, Apple circumvents this problem by automatically generating ultra-secure passwords that anyone can use when creating their online casino account. This makes it far less likely that anyone will successfully brute force your password.

Audit and Block App Permissions

One problem with many Android devices is that they’re far too permissive with app permissions, allowing dodgy applications to access all of a user’s information without the user even realizing it. Meanwhile, iPhones are specifically designed to audit every single application and will alert you if it thinks an app is engaging in any annoying or suspicious activity. This makes it impossible for a dubious app to capture your casino activity or track your details.

Complex Encryption

With any application, encryption is essential to protect the privacy and safety of users. This is especially true when playing online casino games, where discretion and privacy are doubly valued. Fortunately, iPhones once again come through in this regard. Apple’s airtight boot chain and FileVault encryption systems are so secure that even intelligence agencies can’t crack them, meaning it’s very unlikely that any cybercriminal would be able to interrupt your casino gaming session.

Nuke Your Data

Finally, let’s not forget Apple’s nuclear option. If your iPhone’s lost or stolen and you’re worried that someone will gain access to your online casino account and financial details, you can remotely nuke your data. All you need to do is go to your settings and switch on the “erase data” toggle. When activated, your phone will automatically wipe all data if your passcode is entered incorrectly ten times in a row.

Apple spends billions and billions of dollars a year to keep its users secure. If you play online casino games on your iPhone, you can rest assured knowing that these features are keeping you safe.

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