The End of Special Deal between Microsoft and Qualcomm Could Mean Windows on M1 Macs

Windows M1
Windows M1

Intel-based Macs have had support for running Windows natively via Boot Camp for many years. With the introduction of the first Apple Silicon Macs a year ago, running Windows natively on those machines has not been a reality. Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior VP of Software Engineering, even stated that it’s really up to Microsoft to allow for Windows to run natively on M1 Macs.

Because M1 Macs don’t have Boot Camp, other workarounds include using a virtual machine such as Parallels Desktop despite some performance penalties especially for gaming. Well, running Windows natively on a Mac might happen sooner rather than later. Just recently, as reported by XDA, Qualcomm has made an exclusive deal with Microsoft to allow only its ARMs chips to run Windows natively. With that deal coming to an end, M1 Mac users could really look forward to run Windows on their breakthrough machines, especially to play PC games at optimized performance.

If you have an M1 Mac, would you be looking forward to use Windows on your Mac just like the good old Boot Camp days? Let us know in the comments below. Follow us on Twitter or Instagram for move coverage on Apple News and even great deals on other Apple products. 

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