Dark Sky’s Website, API, & iOS App to Shutdown in Late 2022

Dark Sky 1
Dark Sky 1

Last year Apple purchased Dark Sky, a weather app that includes features like notifications, maps, and more; and since then, the app was discontinued on Android but there was uncertainty about its future… until now.

Following the reveal of iOS 15 and the introduction of the new weather app, Apple will discontinue the app and its website in late 2022.

The company announced in a blog post that “support for the Dark Sky API service for existing customers will continue until the end of 2022.” Dark Sky also said that “the iOS app and Dark Sky website will also be available until the end of 2022.”

Image Credit: Apple

Many weather apps like Carrot Weather relied on Dark Sky’s API to power their weather system and Apple’s acquisition of Dark Sky will shut down the API.

Dark Sky will be integrated into iOS 15 with the revamped weather app, it will feature graphical displays of weather data, live notifications, and full maps.

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3 years ago

“Dark Sky will be integrated into iOS 15 with the revamped weather app”¦” What is the revamped weather mentioned here? I seem to recall that Apple used a 3rd party app for weather and it was privacy nightmare. I only bought Dark Sky after Apple acquired it for this reason. So will the weather app referred to here be an in house Apple app or the same kind of garbage that they had before buying Dark Sky? I use Dark Sky every day so the answer to this question is important to me.

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